Thursday, July 14, 2011

CH750 Kit - The Beginning


 On 7/6/11 Ron Gorsline (fellow worker & flying enthusiast) and I made the trek to Zenith Aircraft Co. to pick up our respective airplane kits. Ron is building the Zodiac 650 and I am building the Zenith CH750. We decided to team up and share in the transportation costs so we rented a truck to bring them back in. I was able to get a Demo flight in the CH750 and what a thrill to actually get to fly the finished product. Very easy to fly and maneuver. Looking forward to the day that I will be able to fly my plane. Ron also got a demo flight in the 650. After landing he made the comment to me that he couldn't understand why anyone would want to build a slow airplane. I answered with "So that I can take off and land it in my back yard!"
CH750 Demo Plane

Who says you can't get an airplane inside a truck?
 We left Mexico Missouri at 7:30 A.M. Eastern Time on 7/8/11 and arrived at 8:00 P.M. at my house in Belleville, Mi.  After taking about an hour to unload my kit from the truck, Ron left to drive to his house near Lansing, Mi. (I think he didn't get home until around 11:00 P.M.) Wow, what a long day!

Parts Inventory & Organization
The next day I decided to take a quick inventory of parts and started to put some of the smaller pieces that I wouldn't need for a while in the basement. Some of the longer pieces I kept in the garage. I hung brackets on the garage wall to keep the longer pieces up and out of the way. I'm trying to get somewhat organized so that the build process will go easier. We'll see. I plan on attacking this project starting on Saturday, 7/16/11.

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