Sunday, July 24, 2016

Wing Attachment

7/15/16 - Prepared wing struts for attachment to the wings and fuselage. Total time = 7 hours.

Drilling the Wing Strut Brackets

7/16/16 - Aligning and leveling the wings to the fuselage. Total time = 4 hours.

7/17/16 - Completed attaching the forward struts to the wings and the fuselage. Total time = 8 hours.

Wings Attached With Forward Struts

7/23/16 - Rear struts attached to the fuselage and the wings. Total time = 5 hours.

Rear Struts Attached

7/24/16 - Both struts are now attached to the fuselage and wings. Total time = 1 hour

Both Struts Attached
7/24/16 - Installed the door closer on the L.H. & R.H. doors. Total time = 3 hours.

Door Closers Installed on Both L.H. & R.H. Doors
7/31/16 - Installed the R.H. Jury Struts to the R.H. Wing and R.H. Wing Struts. Total Time = 4 Hours.

Attaching Jury Struts
8/6/16 -  Installed the L.H. Jury Struts to the L.H. Wing and L.H. Wing Struts. Total Time = 4 Hours.

Jury Struts Completed
Total Wing Attachment Time = 36 Hours.